San Antonio Moving Forward With Disease Surveillance System

San Antonio's Metro Health, also serving Bexar County, will take competitive sealed bids to automate and better manage its data workflows and reporting requirements.

The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health) is seeking bids for an electronic infectious disease surveillance system in a procurement potentially worth more than $1 million.

The request for sealed bids is listed as a “high-profile contract,” which indicates a highly complex or technical procurement. It calls for a system with automated workflows to streamline business processes and better report to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).

The competitive sealed proposal is due at 2 p.m. May 12, and the pre-submittal video conference is Monday, April 3.

Metro Health’s strategic goals for FY 2021-2026 include data and technology infrastructure. This area includes:
  • Enhancing tech infrastructure to support infectious disease reporting and investigations
  • Expanding informatics across the department
  • Implementing a unified approach to data analysis and presentation
  • Improving capacity to conduct next-generation genomic sequencing of infectious diseases

The strategic plan, SA Forward, lists the goal date for unlocking “the full potential of data for infectious disease detection and elimination” as Sept. 20, 2026. The agency will also add staff to better track and analyze data.

Metro Health is operated as a city department, although it serves Bexar County, which has 2 million residents (comparable to the population of New Mexico).

Vendors must submit bids electronically and register with the San Antonio e-Procurement System (SAePS).
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.