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State Library Commission Seeks Vendor Input for Online System

The system allows patrons to interchangeably access books, CDs, audiobooks, articles, DVDs, microfilm and other materials from libraries across the state.

woman reads a book in a library
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The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has issued a request for offer (RFO) for an automated resource-sharing system.

TSLAC has been around since 1909 and is responsible for preserving the archival records of the state; assisting public, academic and school libraries in meeting the needs of their communities; helping public agencies maintain public records; and supporting the reading needs of thousands of Texans with disabilities. 

According to the RFO, the commission is seeking a qualified contractor to provide an automated, commercially available, off-the-shelf consortial resource-sharing system and associated services for eligible Texas libraries.

This includes public, small academic and prison libraries under the state’s resource-sharing consortium, TexShare.

“Services will be provided to TSLAC in the Library Development and Networking (LDN) Division for participating Texas libraries,” the RFO states. In addition, “respondents will be expected to include details about their product if hosted on a cloud service.”

The RFO, titled “Pre-306-23-0003,” can be found at The due date to submit information for vendors is May 1.
Katya Maruri is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.