According to RFP No. 2023-115, the vendor will “develop the historical resources database schema and Esri ArcGIS Online field application” for survey teams to work with handheld devices in the field to document historic resources while consolidating existing geolocations.
The county comprises 41 municipalities and seeks to strategically choose and preserve landmarks, buildings and objects that reflect the area’s heritage while balancing its work with local entities’ preservation efforts and statewide historic preservation efforts, according to its planning documents.
A qualified vendor is being sought for a professional services contract that will include historical research. The budget for the project is $79,000.
The project goals are:
- Increase access of historic survey data for residents, historic organizations, and county archivists and preservationists.
- Create user-friendly web pages to increase website traffic to the preservation and archives website.
- Develop and write context statements, which provide background to explain why resources are significant and need preservation.
- Visually represent endangered areas in the county.
- Create more engagement with all stakeholders to encourage participation in historic preservation at local and county levels.
Questions are due at noon Thursday; sealed bids are due by 2 p.m. May 22.
Questions may be faxed to the attention of Gwen Peterson at (817) 884-2629 or emailed to BidQuestions-RSVP@tarrantcountytx.gov. The county posts current and upcoming opportunities as part of its purchasing web pages.