The agency works with communities to promote safe and healthy families and protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation through five major programs: adult protective services, child protective services, child protective investigations, prevention and early intervention, and statewide intake.
Here, with rounding, are the agency’s five largest purchases during Q2, according to the Texas Comptroller’s “Payments to Payee” visualization:
- $29 million to the Health and Human Services Commission, which manages programs that help families with food, health care, safety and disaster services
- $4 million to the Texas Department of Information Resources, which delivers technology solutions to state and local government entities
- $2 million to Premier Protection and Investigations LP, which maintains a nationwide network of federal, state and local law enforcement officers with specialized investigation and security training
- $2 million to AT&T Mobility LLC, which provides wireless voice and data communications services
- $2 million to SHI Government Solutions Inc., which offers software products and related maintenance, technical and training services
Regarding specific purchases, DFPS spent about $32 million on purchased contracted services, $6 million on IT services, $4 million on computer services and $2 million on telecommunications.
The periodic reports of spending on IT goods and services by agencies and departments in state government are compiled by Industry Insider — Texas as a way of highlighting procurements and trends.