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Tracking the Spend: DIR’s 5 Largest IT Vendors Earned $590M+ in FY2024

The state’s IT agency has spent in the hundreds of millions each with Rackspace, Deloitte and Atos, companies that provide multiple services impacting the Texas digital infrastructure.

The state of Texas flag superimposed over a pile of $100 bills.
The Department of Information Resources’ (DIR) five largest IT purchases between Sept. 1, 2023, and Aug. 2, 2024, included money that directly impacts the state’s IT infrastructure, with more than half a billion going to the spending category “DIR payments to statewide technology center.”

Here, with rounding, are the agency’s five vendors with the highest spending, according to the Texas Comptroller’s “Payment to Payee” visualization:
As to specific categories, spending included the statewide telecommunications network at $87.6 million and purchased contracted services at $19 million.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.