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Tracking the Spend: GLO’s IT Goods Purchases This Year

The Texas General Land Office has made more than 6,000 purchases of IT goods so far this year and spent $24 million on its top five buys.

The Texas flag on a flagpole next to the Alamo.
The Texas General Land Office (GLO) made 6,485 purchases of IT services from Jan. 4 to May 3 and spent more than $20 million on the five largest.

According to GLO’s website, the agency manages state lands, operates the Alamo, helps Texans recover from natural disasters, helps fund public education through the permanent school fund, provides benefits to the state’s veterans and manages the coast.

In total, GLO spent $23,552,579 on its five largest IT buys. Here, with rounding, are those purchases, according to the Texas Comptroller’s “Payment to Payee” visualization:

  • $9.6 million to Alamo Trust Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization that manages day-to-day operations and staff at the Alamo.
  • $5.2 million to Loblolly Consulting LLC, an Austin-based business and technology consulting services firm providing project management, business analysis, information management, data analytics and enterprise technology services.
  • $3.6 million to the Texas Department of Information Resources, which offers technology solutions to state and local government entities.
  • $2.6 million to Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, a four-year public university adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • $2.6 million to Land & Sea Services 1 Inc., which provides a comprehensive range of marine services.

Regarding specific purchases, GLO spent $14.7 million on purchased contracted services, $5.2 million on IT services and $4 million on computer services.

The periodic reports of spending on IT goods and services by agencies and departments in state government are compiled by Industry Insider — Texas as a way of highlighting procurements and trends.
Katya Maruri is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.