A request for qualifications (RFQ) has been released for a construction manager at risk, the first in the required three-step process for awarding such a contract.
Texas Woman’s University (TWU) is building a $108 million, 175,000-square-foot health sciences building (HSC), which will bring high-tech teaching facilities to multiple programs and provide community health services.
The building will be on the east side of the Denton campus and will include clinics, labs, classrooms and collaborative space, according to a news release. The plan was approved in February by the university system’s board of regents.
TWU’s three campuses — Denton, Dallas and Houston — were consolidated into a system in 2021. The College of Health Sciences in Denton includes physical and occupational therapy, kinesiology, communication sciences and disorders, nutrition and food studies, and health studies including nursing.
A mandatory conference is at 2 p.m. Sept. 12 at Hubbard Hall Room 1410, 301 Administration Drive, Denton. The RFQ is due at 2 p.m. Oct. 12.
Once the RFQs have been received, TWU will rank respondents. Next, an RFP will be made for additional information from the top-ranked respondents. The third step is for TWU to interview qualified respondents to identify the best value. An award is expected in December.
Texas Woman’s University posts solicitations at the TXSmartBuy pages; its member number is 731.
The RFQ’s point of contact person is Chelle Jezek, director of purchasing and contracts, 1200 Frame St., Denton. Emails may be directed to TWUbids@twu.edu.
University Known for Nursing and Allied Health to Build Health Sciences Center
The project will make space for growing enrollment and be home to several programs.