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3 Considerations for School Systems When Building Their Cybersecurity Strategy

February 15, 2023 | 10:00 AMJanuary 15, 2023 | 11:00 AM

Our panelists are:

  • Dave Hinchman, Acting Director, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • Timothy Lee, Chief Information Security Officer, Information Technology Agency, City of Los Angeles
  • Michael Klein, Digital Infrastructure Fellow, Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education
  • Mark Guntrip, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Strategy, Menlo Security
  • Moderator:  Marcela Denniston, CISSP-Senior Director, Security Assurance, Salesforce

Session Outcomes:

  • Take-aways from recent attacks and why school systems are targeted
  • Types of attacks and opportunities for decreasing vulnerabilities
  • Ideas for developing an action plan to maximize cybersecurity resources and mitigate risks


As a group of unrelenting cybersecurity experts, Menlo Security pioneered an entirely reimagined, impervious approach to security. One that’s built on Zero Trust principles and that leverages isolation as a core architectural pillar. It’s the only way to truly eliminate malware, secure work, and protect productivity—the stuff that matters most to the state and local governments we work with and their end users.