Municipal governments understand the need to consider which smart city applications will best serve the demands of their diverse demographic segments. The integration of millions of connected devices and mobile “citizen sensors” interacting with machines, users and clouds requires a fundamental rethink of the network. To meet the dynamic needs of new smart city platforms, networks must be enabled with 'ultra-high' bandwidth, be predictive, and most importantly be agile so they can rapidly scale to move massive amounts of data in real-time.
Smart city applications must be aligned with where a city and its citizens want to go. Some municipalities that created model smart-cities early on have had to initiate extensive revamping. This session showcase the underpinnings, economics, and applications in these networks.
The session, hosted by Daniele Loffreda, Ciena's Senior Advisor in Industry Marketing, will explore these concepts and introduce attendees to what is being deployed currently to enable the bandwidth required to run Smart City networks.
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