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California Government Workforce Learning Summit

May 04, 2023 | 9:00 AM2:00 PM

Empowering Top Talent Through Education

Competition for a smart and reliable workforce continues to grow. Today’s state agencies are competing against higher tech salaries and work from home opportunities. But there are ways to win top talent that don’t include breaking the salary bank. 

Supporting your workforce with innovative learning opportunities demonstrates your commitment to their professional growth. When employees know you’re dedicated to their growth both within your agency and for their future, total benefits can outweigh that salary number. And when you’re supporting your workforce through education, you’re improving your retention numbers, spending less time and resources recruiting, all while improving your team’s readiness to tackle your agency’s mission.

At Anthology, our mission is to empower you with meaningful innovation that’s simple and intelligent. We’re here to help you modernize your agency or campus and navigate fast and unprecedented change. And we’re your partner for driving the best outcomes possible.