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Elastic Generative AI Workshop for Public Sector

September 20, 2023 | 12:00 PM4:30 PM

In Person + Virtual | CPE Credit Eligible

Join us for an introductory hands on technical workshop on Generative Al and Elasticsearch for the public sector developer community!

In this workshop, we will explore the world of Generative Al and learn how to leverage Elasticsearch to store private enterprise data, enabling us to generate insightful responses to user queries. Our goal is to enable your team to tackle your agency’s GenAI projects, so you can deliver them faster and more efficiently.

This workshop is designed for developers and individuals who are interested in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to extract valuable knowledge from their domain-specific data. Whether you are a developer, or simply curious about the possibilities of Al, this workshop will provide you with the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience to get started.

A laptop is required for this workshop. This workshop is CPE credit eligible. 

What will be required for this workshop:
• Laptop
• A Google account - to access Google Colab
• Coding / Scripting experience (Basic Python)
• Python and Jupyter Notebook experience is helpful

Elastic will provide:
• Python Notebooks with the code you’ll be running
• Access to ChatGPT 3.5 turbo and Elasticsearch

• 12:00pm - Registration and lunch
• Session 1 - Fundamentals of AI and Language Models (GenAI, LLMs, Vectors)
• Session 2 – Developing AI Applications with Context (Retrieval, Prompt Engineering)
• Session 3 – Production AI Considerations (Data Privacy and Cost Management)
• 4:00pm - Closing
• 4:30pm Networking Reception

We are pleased to offer 4.8 continuing professional education (CPE) credits to those that attend the event. CPE certification for this workshop is being administered by Carahsoft Technology Corp. Carahsoft is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. For more information on the CPE credits we are offering, the CPE sponsor, NASBA, and submission process, please click here.

Register Here

Elastic is a search company that powers workplace search, observability, and security solutions that can be deployed on premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments. Elastic helps government and education professionals make data actionable, increase visibility into their infrastructures, build better citizen experiences, and securely move to the cloud.