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Identity and Cybersecurity: Building an Interoperable Strategy for the Future

June 16, 2022 | 10:00 AM11:00 AM

State & Local Gov IT leaders: don’t miss next Thursday’s June 16th webcast with John Cleveland Deputy CISO, State of California; Bruce Coffing CISO, City of Chicago; moderated by Teri Takai on “Identity & Cybersecurity: Building an Interoperable Strategy for the Future”.

Identity and access management (IAM) is a vital focus for any modern cybersecurity strategy. But verifying and protecting identity isn’t as simple as buying a new security tool, or even a suite of new cyber solutions.

True identity and access management isn’t a product. It’s a process – one that requires an extensive an ecosystem of collaborative agencies and interlinked providers.

Building a truly interoperable IAM strategy is complex and hard. It means finding providers – even those with competing solutions and platforms – that are willing to work together and integrate their solutions. Agencies and vendors alike can no longer be proprietary – they have to take a more open approach.

Join us June 16th for this valuable conversation on what it takes to develop and sustain an interoperable strategy for managing identity and access in your government.

SailPoint equips government agencies to seamlessly manage and secure access to applications and data through the lens of identity – at speed and scale. As a category leader, we continuously reinvent identity security as the foundation of a secure agency. SailPoint delivers a unified, intelligent, extensible platform built to defend against today’s dynamic, identity-centric cyber threats while enhancing productivity and efficiency. SailPoint helps many of the world’s most complex, sophisticated government agencies create a secure technology ecosystem that fuels transformation.