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Join Our Follow-Up Q/A Session from the GOV AI Summit in San Jose with CDWG Speaker Joe Markwith

January 10, 2025 | 10:30 AM11:30 AM

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a month since the GOV AI Summit in San Jose! CDWG was honored to present a thought leadership keynote at the event, and we’re excited to continue the conversation with a follow-up Q/A session featuring CDWG speaker Joe Markwith.
Event Details:

Please register to receive your invitation. If you have any questions you’d like addressed during the session, feel free to submit them in the comments section of the registration form.

Thank you, and we look forward to connecting with you soon!

Rapidly changing technology and ever present threats complicate government IT. Budget, staffing and legacy infrastructure issues add complexity to the objective of building a secure and dependable digital government. One that enhances the user experience with digital solutions and optimizes the technology mix to achieve efficiencies while controlling costs. The right tools and strategic planning can ensure that your organization achieves an IT system that is secure, efficient, and cost effective.