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Kronos State and Local Government Insights Digital Summit Tues, June 23rd 9:30-1:30 pm

June 23, 2020 | 12:30 PM4:30 PM

Discuss the new norm for the remote workforce and how to track time and leave of essential and non-essential workers.

Public Sector and the Remote Workforce

Whether telework was being considered or offered prior to the pandemic, it came without a choice for many by March of 2020.  Suddenly there were larger percentages of departments forced to work from home and managers left wondering how they would track their employees time or measure productivity.  Like all crises, lessons are learned and best practices are shared.  Join us as we discuss preparing for the new normal in telework, addressing productivity concerns, and tools to help manage remote workers.


Tracking the Government Workforce in a Crisis

Even the most prepared state and local governments were not ready for a crisis of this magnitude.  Still, some were better prepared than others.  Regardless of the size or scale of the crisis, the workforce plays an important factor in making it over to the other side.  Across the country, governments struggled with tracking time and leave of essential and non-essential workers.  The ability to report back and have a full picture of labor costs is imperative to funding that is or may become available.  Join us as we discuss steps to prepare your workforce for the future, how visibility into labor data allows for better “in-the-moment” decisions, and modern technology to easily track time and leave for all employees.

At UKG™, Our Purpose Is People. Built from a merger that created one of the largest cloud companies in the world, UKG believes organizations succeed when they focus on their people.