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Looking at Clouds From Both Sides

December 07, 2023 | 11:00 AM12:00 PM

Protecting Containerized Workloads in Hybrid Infrastructures

Kubernetes provides a powerful platform for deploying and managing containerized applications in hybrid infrastructure, playing an integral role in container management to help your agency solve application-delivery problems. It’s become an essential technology for agencies that need to have fast, efficient development that takes full advantage of what the cloud offers.

Kubernetes offers many benefits such as scalability, portability, resilience and automation. However, Kubernetes also poses some challenges when it comes to data protection and security, especially in the public sector where sensitive data and compliance regulations are involved. Kubernetes is fundamentally different from platforms based on earlier technologies and thus requires a different approach to backup – Kubernetes native backup. If Kubernetes contains data that is important to your agency, how do you protect this data?

During this webcast, GovExec will gather industry and public sector experts to discuss their approaches to data security within containerized workloads and debunk common myths about Kubernetes and cloud security. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the nuances of different IT infrastructures, best practices for protecting sensitive data and strategies for messaging IT needs to key stakeholders.

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