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Oracle Tech Day / User Group

May 22, 2024 | 9:30 AM12:30 PM

Join us for our first California Government Oracle Tech Day/User Group to hear more about the direction of Oracle Products, 23C DB overview, Roadmaps and specific areas to help you maximize your Oracle Investments. Whether you are a DBA, Developer or just interested to know more about Oracle and our direction, we’ve created a packed agenda that includes presentations as well as time with experts. Please join us for the inaugural meeting and help us create the user group experience you desire moving forward. Co-sponsored with Mythics


Sacramento Assessors Office - 3636 American River Dr. Sacramento – 2nd floor (parking in back)

(Parking is FREE.  Park in the East parking lot entrance just past the Assessor’s Office visitor parking lot. Enter by the Matheny Sears Linkert & Jaime LLP Attorney/Lyon Real Estate sign. Please do not park in marked spaces).


  • Registration
  • Opening remarks & Introductions
  • Oracle Database 23c Overview and Roadmap
  • Securing your Data
  • Modern Data Platform
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Overview
  • Closing remarks
  • Time with Experts and Networking Lunch
About Oracle Government and Education

Oracle Government and Education offers agencies a blueprint for total IT modernization through the flexibility and cost savings of a broad portfolio of cloud solutions. We help government agencies at every level adapt to change and deliver smart, connected, and secure solutions.