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Powerful, Actionable, and Underused: Embedded Analytics

In this webinar, Claudia Imhoff discusses the use cases, requirements, & implementation techniques needed for a successful embedded BI implementation.

Information is only good if it’s used – and what better way to use it than to put it directly into the workflow of the people who need it? Whether you embed business intelligence (BI) and analytics into the portal, into a customer-facing application, or into the operational applications that your employees use every day, you’ll see dramatic improvements in adoption, use, and impact of analytical content.

In this webinar, join Claudia Imhoff as she discusses the use cases, requirements, and implementation techniques needed for a successful embedded BI implementation.

Guest Speaker: Claudia Imhoff, President, Intelligent Solutions

Claudia Imhoff, Ph.D., is a consultant in business intelligence and data warehousing and the co-author or author of five books and more than 100 articles on these subjects. She co-created the Corporate Information Factory architecture with Bill Inmon and is the president and founder of Intelligent Solutions and founder of the Boulder Business Intelligence (BI) Brain Trust. Imhoff has been named a Fellow of and advisor for The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI).

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Information Builders helps organizations transform data into business value. Our software solutions for business intelligence and analytics, integration, and data integrity empower people to make smarter decisions, strengthen customer relationships, improve employee performance, and drive growth.