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Protect California State & Local Government IT Spending and Mission Delivery

April 26, 2024 | 10:00 AM11:00 AM

In challenging economic times, government budget officials frequently look at IT as a target for cost reduction, as they often underestimate the value of IT to mission objectives. Historically, many government CIOs, including in California, have done a poor job of connecting what IT does to support these mission outcomes and therefore lack credibility to either defend against draconian cuts or to grant the request with reductions that minimize damage to mission purposes. The inability to establish this connection can lead to perceived management or competency issues. Join this complimentary Gartner webinar for California government IT leaders as Gartner experts provide two distinct strategies to help respond to budget-cut demands. You will walk away from this session with answers to your vital questions, a copy of the research slides, and a defined plan of action for your strategic goals.

  • Minimize damage to government mission functions while making requested budget cuts
  • Develop justification between IT spending and government mission delivery
  • Adopt cost-effective digital strategies that automate IT and business processes 

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Todd Kimbriel
VP Analyst

Mark Kenneth
Sr Executive Partner

Christian Farland
Executive Partner


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