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Securing Your Microsoft 365 Data: Discover the Power of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v7

August 08, 2023 | 10:00 AM11:00 AM

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 eliminates the risk of organizations losing access and control over their Microsoft 365 data. Version 7 enables organizations to perform backup copies from/to any object storage with immutability, it also delivers advanced monitoring via integration with Veeam ONE, increased control for BaaS through deeper integration with Veeam Service Provider Console, in addition to enhancements for self-service restores including Microsoft Teams support.

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Veeam®, the #1 global market leader in data resilience, believes every business should be able to bounce forward after a disruption with the confidence and control of all their data whenever and wherever they need it. Veeam calls this radical resilience, and we’re obsessed with creating innovative ways to help our customers achieve it.