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Webcast: Program integrity in state and local pandemic spending

January 11, 2022 | 10:00 AM11:30 AM

Join Grant Thornton and hear from state government leaders as they share real-world lesson’s learned fighting fraud in pandemic spending programs. 1.5 CPE


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Program Content: Over the past year, criminals have stolen billions of dollars from U.S. pandemic recovery efforts. And these crimes are far more organized and occur on a larger scale than anything our federal state, or local government officials expected. The prefect storm of opportunity was created for thieves as governments attempted to respond and recover from the pandemic. 

Those that have a fundamental understanding of the fraud risks in their benefit programs, implement internal control and quality assurance measures, and take the proper steps to prevent fraud will be well-positioned to respond to government inquiries and demonstrate good stewardship of taxpayer funds.


  • Linda Miller, Principal, Grant Thornton and former deputy executive director of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC)
  • Kinney Poynter, Executive Director, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT)
  • Jonathan Bennett, Senior Performance Auditor, Oregon Audits Division, Secretary of State
  • Matt Etzel, Principal Auditor, Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit
  • Ben Ward, Audit Principal of Data Analytics, California State Auditor 
  • Robert Hinkle, Chief Deputy Auditor, State of Ohio
  • Marnie Fredrickson, Assistant Chief Deputy Auditor, State of Ohio


Grant Thornton Public Sector helps executives and managers at all levels of government maximize their performance and efficiency in the face of ever tightening budgets and increased demand for services.