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2015 Predictions: John Boule, Director, Office of Systems Integration

Service oriented architecture, governance and customer service could be issues to watch next year.

John Boule, director, Office of Systems Integration

I believe we are entering an exciting era in government. It’s a time when the investments in enterprise-capable technology are poised to meet the accelerating demand for interoperable services and solutions across historically "siloed" systems.

In 2015, I see government beginning to take advantage of its investment in service oriented architecture (SOA).

Today, much of the SOA investment is constrained by outdated administrative processes and relationships that stifle the full potential of the technology. This coming year the biggest challenge will not be technical, it will be the transformation of these outdated administrative structures. The transformation requires the creation of new relationships, processes and funding arrangements to support a diverse set of public programs, sponsors, stakeholders and customers. "Governance" is a word that is often overused; however, it is foundational to the opportunity at hand.

2015 will also require government to continue to make progress toward improved customer service (internal and external) through mobilization. This means enabling the workforce to use mobile technology to a greater extent to perform day-to-day activities that will increase worker productivity and job satisfaction. In addition, mobilizing the public’s access to government services, including data, to improve service and increase transparency will remain a priority.