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4 Key Bids to Keep an Eye On

Here are four noteworthy bids Techwire has been watching this week:

Here are some noteworthy bids Techwire has been watching this week. Three are with the state, and the fourth is with the Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department. 

  1. Smartphone Application for LA County Transit Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works is developing a project that will create a smartphone application for Transit Services. The app will provide up-to-the-minute bus location information that will be accessible to transit users, displaying the locations of users and buses, and giving an estimated arrival time for the next bus.

The RFP will be for $160,000. The release date isn’t set yet, but it’s estimated to be in August or September. The exact length of contract will be decided later, but it will be development time plus four years.

  1. Alarm Monitoring System for the Department of Parks and Recreation
The California Department of Parks and Recreation put out an RFP last week looking for a vendor to provide 24-hour alarm monitoring, dispatch service, testing, inspection and maintenance for all alarms at Fort Tejon State Historic Park. Additionally, the vendor will be expected to provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary.

The anticipated term of the contract is Dec. 1, 2017, through Nov. 30, 2019. All bids are due by July 27.

  1. Document Imaging and Verification Solution for Covered California
Covered California put out an RFP on July 3 for a document imaging and verification solution and supporting services. The purpose is to automate the verification of documents using optical character recognition (OCR), data extraction, data capture and workflow technologies.

The project will include all required software, integration services and implementation services. Additionally, the vendor will be required to provide three years of maintenance and operations for the solution.

The maximum contract amount is $2,375,000. Although subject to change, the initial contract is stated to be Sept. 1, 2017, through June 30, 2020. All bids are due by Aug. 4.

  1. Special Enrollment Period Electronic Verification for Covered California
Another RFP from Covered California is for software-as-a-solution (SaaS) that will automatically verify qualifying life events (QLEs) loss of insurance coverage for consumers applying during a special enrollment periods. This allows consumers to get new coverage or change their current insurance plan if they are going through expected or unanticipated life changes. The implemented solution will perform verifications of a consumer’s QLE and return the results of eligibility to California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention System.

The estimated funding for the contract will be a maximum of $4 million for the initial three-year contract, with a possible extension of two years at $1 million per year. The core contract term will be from Oct. 23, 2017, through Oct. 22, 2020. All bids must be submitted by Sept. 5.