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Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski Named TechAmerica's Legislator of the Year

A leading technology trade association Tuesday named Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski its 2013 California Legislator of the Year for his legislative efforts to boost the California technology industry.
"His appreciation of the critical role that the technology industry plays in our current economic recovery, as well as its increasing importance to California’s economic future, made Assemblyman Wieckowski an extremely effective advocate for our sector and the clear choice for 2013 Legislator of the Year," Robert Callahan, TechAmerica’s director of state government affairs for California, said in a press release.

The Freemont Democrat launched the Made in California jobs initiative after he joined the Assembly in late 2010 in an attempt to energize California’s economy in the wake of the economic recession.

The initiative includes a seven-point strategy to stimulate California’s economy, including support for California’s green technology industries and manufacturing, commitment to research and biosciences and investment in schools and universities.

"Both California as a whole, and the Bay Area specifically, have tremendous assets such as access to venture capital, leading universities and laboratories, and a tremendous entrepreneurial spirit that we should leverage to maintain our position as the global leader in innovation," Wieckowski said in a statement. "I will continue to support policies that create jobs and help our state and region."

Wieckowski has authored several bills in an effort to promote California’s tech industry, like AB 1314, the Renewable Energy Act, which would more quickly fund clean technology projects. He also authored a bill to fund the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund to advance biomedical science in California.

TechAmerica also recognized four legislators as California Tech Champions for 2013: Senator Jerry Hill (D — San Mateo), Assemblyman Henry T. Perea (D — Fresno), Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra (D — Los Angeles) and Assemblyman Brian Maienschein (R — San Diego).