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Aug. 13: Best of California Awards to Highlight IT Project Excellence, Innovation

To be held on Aug. 13 at the California Technology Forum in Sacramento, the annual Best of California awards program and reception salutes California state and local government and education organizations for their dedication, hard work and contributions in information technology. Awards are given for IT project excellence, management and innovation.

California’s top IT projects and people will be honored during the California Technology Forum on Aug. 13 in Sacramento.

The annual Best of California awards program and reception, sponsored by Techwire parent company e.Republic, salutes California state and local government and education organizations for their dedication, hard work and contributions in information technology. Awards are given for IT project excellence, management and innovation.

Following the Best of California Awards, the Outstanding IT Service and Support Awards will be bestowed to one individual within each nominating agency, department or locality. This award acknowledges exemplary service and support, teamwork, and collaboration or innovative contributions of an IT professional.

The California Technology Forum will feature sessions on cloud, IT workforce, open data, security, change management, big data, social media, mobility and more. State CIO Carlos Ramos is scheduled to give opening remarks, former State Sen. Sam Blakeslee, founding director of the Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy (IATPP) at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo will give the keynote.

For more information about the event, click here.