Budget Subcommittee 4, scheduled to meet on May 1, has removed an agenda item to discuss the Governor’s Reorganization Plan to eliminate the California Technology Agency, according to a committee spokesperson.
"The Assembly will have a process for the GRP, but the Budget Committee will not be the forum," said Christian Griffith, committee spokesperson. Budget Subcommittee 4 is not the committee of jurisdiction, he said, although the subcommittee’s discussion of the reorganization plan was originally scheduled for May 1 and remained on the agenda last week.
“Now that a GRP has been issued, a different committee of the Assembly is going to be in charge of the legislative reviewing of the GRP,” according to Griffith. “We don’t want to confuse the public regarding where the deliberations will occur because we know there is a lot of interest.”
Industry officials opposing the governor’s plan already raised concerns at this week’s Little Hoover Commission’s hearing on the reorg plan. Read more about the hearing here or watch the video here.