The State Library’s California Research Bureau this week released two "Short Subjects" as part of a new series about open government initiatives, according to the state library website.
The reports are entitled: Open-source Software: Value, Cost, and Support Open Government authored by Tonya Lindsey, Ph.D., senior researcher and Public-use Data: Safe, Secure, and Supporting Open Government authored by Tonya Lindsey, Ph.D.
"We live in an era of mass communication and information, it is like a fire hose of information coming at us daily," State Librarian Stacey Aldrich said today in an email. "To address this issue, the California Research Bureau of the California State Library has developed a new series called Short Subjects. These are simple subject specific documents that are digestible chunks of information with direct links and citations to sources for more information. They are a great starting place for topic exploration, and we hope that all of the Short Subjects in the series will support the information needs of our legislature and public."
The reports can be found here:
Open-source Software: Value, Cost, and Supporting Open Short Subjects: Government
Public-use Data: Safe, Secure, and Supporting Open Government