At an event sponsored by the Knight Foundationand hosted by Andreessen-Horowitz and CALinnovates, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski discusses the "Apps for Communities" awards which highlight the results of a Hackathon to create apps that use public data to provide useful services for communities. Nearly 100 attendees were on hand for the event in addition to local and national news outlets.
The Hackathon’s goal was to showcase how technology can be accessible to everyone and to encourage developers to drive these sorts of initiatives. The grand prize of the "Apps for Communities" awards went to, an app that provides people with real-time transit information on their mobile phones via text message. Some of the other winners included a web-driven database that government agencies can use to connect homeless individuals with social services and an app that allows people to search and apply for jobs via mobile phone.
The video clip below highlights some of the reasons why innovation in the technology sector is so critical and the challenges that we face by the limited availability of spectrum. Chairman Genachowski discusses how the FCC supports increasing the availability of spectrum which will ensure that there is enough available to spur business development, innovation and job creation through stronger and wider-reaching wireless networks. Additionally, this increased spectrum availability will help America retain its lead in the mobile marketplace and stay competitive worldwide.
CALinnovates strongly supports voluntary incentive auctions for spectrum as the best solution for taking unused and underutilized spectrum and putting it to its highest and best use for the benefit of our economy and our future.