City of Sacramento pilots mobile authentication program for documents

If all goes as planned, the city of Sacramento may be the first city in the U.S. to utilize mobile fingerprint authentication for processing acknowledgement and approval documents, announced BioKey, International, an East Coast company working on a pilot with the city. The city clerk’s office in Sacramento is in the testing stages with Bio-key’s mobile fingerprint biometric identity solution. Bio-key and Fulcrum Biometrics partnered to create a fingerprint authentication system employed through the iPhone, and if the testing phases go well, the city of Sacramento is looking to employ the system in 2013, according to the company’s announcement.

“The objective is to set the standard by developing a Best Practice Model for every city seeking to add efficiencies to their acknowledgement and approval process for city processes,” said Dawn Bullwinkel, Assistant City Clerk in a statement. Bullwinkel also noted that Sacramento City Clerk Shirley Concolino has also been working with the California Secretary of State to identify a more secure and convenient solution to process documents.