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Commentary: Quick Tips on State Incentives for SB/DVBE Companies

It behooves vendors to explore the California Department of General Services' incentives for small businesses and those owned by or working with disabled veterans. Some bidders may qualify for both incentives, notes Ricardo Martinez.

A person working a cash register at a small business.
California state procurement mistake: Many people use Small Business (SB) Preference and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Incentive interchangeably — but they’re NOT the same.

Both support under-represented businesses, but they work differently:
  • SB Preference – A 5 percent bid preference (up to $50,000) for certified SBs/Microbusinesses (MBs). This lowers the bid price for evaluation purposes but not the actual contract price.
  • DVBE Incentive – A 1–5 percent scoring advantage for bidders subcontracting with certified DVBEs. Unlike SB Preference, it’s based on participation levels and has no fixed cap.


  • SB Preference is a fixed 5 percent price reduction for evaluation
  • DVBE Incentive is a scoring boost based on subcontracting participation
  • SB Preference applies only to SB/MB-certified vendors
  • DVBE Incentive is available to any bidder including a DVBE subcontractor
The Bottom Line: If you're bidding on state contracts, knowing the difference can boost your competitiveness. Can a vendor qualify for BOTH? Can a vendor receive both the SB Preference and DVBE Incentive in a single bid? Yes! If a vendor qualifies for SB Preference AND includes a DVBE subcontractor, they can leverage both advantages.

How It Works:
  • SB Preference (5 percent) applies if you’re a certified SB/MB with the California Department of General Services (DGS)
  • DVBE Incentive (1 percent to 5 percent) applies if you subcontract with a certified DVBE (or are one yourself)
  • SB Preference has a $50,000 cap; DVBE Incentive has no fixed cap
  • Any bidder can qualify for DVBE Incentive — you don’t have to be a DVBE yourself
Why this matters: By stacking both benefits, vendors can increase their competitive advantage in winning California state contracts.

Tip: If you qualify for one program, explore the other — it could make the difference in winning a bid.

Editor's note: The California Department of General Services offers multiple resources for businesses of all sizes on its website's procurement section.
Ricardo Martinez, a partner in California Strategies LLC, has served as a chief adviser to three state agency secretaries and one governor, guiding procurement, regulatory, and sustainability strategies that impact businesses and government agencies across California. He specializes in helping companies navigate the state’s complex policies and processes on procurement and helps clients compete for and secure state and local government contracts and permit renewals. He can be reached at