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Departments Recruiting for Deputy Director, Chief Data Officer, Customer Experience Officer

Health care and purchasing and procurement are the focuses of the departments seeking to fill vacancies.

Departments of state government that deal with purchasing and health care are recruiting for senior roles requiring tech and management expertise.

California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) is seeking candidates for deputy director of IT infrastructure (Career Executive Assignment) to manage the Network Services, Technical Security, TeleHealth, Server, Administration and Mobile Phone units.

“The incumbent will serve as the managerial lead for major network, data center and technical security initiatives for CCHCS,” the job posting says. “These functions include, but are not limited to, leading project requirements analysis, architectural development, general design, development, testing and implementation of all solutions on existing and target infrastructures.”

Core responsibilities of this position include:
  • Plan, conduct and coordinate complex IT assignments.
  • Develop, analyze and correct all aspects of requests for proposals, Feasibility Study Reports, Budget Change Proposals, post-implementation evaluation and review, as needed. Also, propose and/or modify service-level agreements.
  • Act as a managerial adviser/consultant to customers, IT staff, vendors and contractors. Provide expert guidance in the planning of network/technical security systems and provide guidance and direction to operations staff and management.
  • Coordinate and ensure effective operations of complex multi-tier environments and approve configuration management changes.
  • Oversee and manage infrastructure projects and ensure that critical functions are addressed and completed. Advise management on system technical constraints, performance criteria and interoperability issues.
  • Work cooperatively with the department director, executive board, section directors, managers, supervisors, project managers, vendors and others to resolve problems with meetings, demonstrations, presentations and correspondence.

The position has a monthly salary range of $11,102 to $13,226, and the recruitment will continue until the role is filled. More information is available in the duty statement.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is recruiting for a chief data officer (Career Executive Assignment) in the Center for Health Statistics and Informatics to shepherd statewide public health efforts to streamline data access, modernize data management and services, and accelerate excellent use of data in decision-making.

The chief data officer (CDO) “develops and implements modeling, analysis, inference, exploration, and outcomes-based utilization of the department’s data assets,” the job posting notes. “This position ensures that these activities and efforts align with the department’s goals for its programs and leads the development and implementation of enterprise-wide data management policies, practices, and standards for the department. The CDO serves as a liaison to the Center for Data Insight and Innovation (CDII) and collaborates with CDOs from other state and federal agencies.”

Responsibilities of the position include:
  • Direct and oversee the development of short- and long-term enterprise data management projects involving a range of automation and innovation issues, including data architecture, storage, inventory, access, data transfer and sharing, and internal and external publication.
  • Contribute to reports and legislative analysis using data and outcome-focused metrics for the department’s programs. Define and create continuous improvement protocols for programmatic data analysis and inferential analysis in support of that reporting and policy deliberation. Provide guidance to CDPH leadership regarding enterprise-wide data governance and data strategy.
  • Oversee the availability, usability, quality and integrity of CDPH’s enterprise-wide data in coordination with the Information Security Office (ISO) and the Privacy and Security Office.
  • Participate in the following governance domains: business strategy and planning, management and financial reporting, enterprise architecture, IT strategy and planning, and risk and compliance.

Additional details about the position are available in the duty statement. The role has a monthly salary range of $9,471 to $11,463, and the application deadline is Sept. 15.

The state Department of General Services (DGS) is recruiting for a customer experience officer (IT manager II) to oversee the Enterprise Technology Solutions (ETS) functions in the following areas: strategy, portfolio and resource management, user help desk, desktop services, IT Service Management, project management, project analysis, account analysis, and testing.

“The chief serves as a key member of the ETS management team and participates in ETS-wide planning and decision making,” the job posting says. “The position is responsible for excellent customer experience, emerging trends in IT Service Management, and IT project portfolio optimization and alignment to customer business objectives.”

Responsibilities of the position, according to the duty statement, include:
  • Oversee, lead, mentor and guide managers and subordinate staff in units comprising strategy, portfolio and resource management, project management, business analysis, testing, help desk and desktop operations.
  • Oversee and facilitate IT strategic and operational planning and IT governance by developing strategic and operation plans, technology road maps, strategic goals, project approval documents, and Budget Change Proposals.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with executive-level customers to identify business objectives that require technology support.
  • Define clear business outcomes linked to IT service delivery metrics by collaborating with other IT chiefs in order to develop service delivery dashboards and reports.

The position has a monthly salary range of $10,421 to $12,668, and the application deadline is Sept. 20.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.