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EDD issues more than 1 million debit cards for unemployment benefits

The California Employment Development Department has completed a switch from unemployment insurance benefits checks to debit cards, issuing nearly 1.1 million debit cards to benefit recipients in the massive changeover, according to the state.

The upgrade from checks to debit cards will improve convenience and security for benefit recipients, according to the EDD. The cards allow customers to get cash at an ATM and use the card anywhere VISA cards are accepted.

"This unprecedented transition to paperless benefits is one of the largest pre-paid card roll-outs in the country," EDD Chief Deputy Director Pam Harris said in a statement. "It modernizes the purchasing power of our customers and puts them on par with the rest of the buying public."

The EDD partnered with Bank of America in issuing more than 1 million debit cards to Unemployment Insurance recipients since July. The EDD had already started in December sending cards to State Disability Insurance and Paid Family Leave recipients, according to the press release.

The EDD press release can be viewed here: