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ForeScout Appoints VP; Digital Services Promotes Veteran

ForeScout Technologies names a new VP for SLED, while a state IT infrastructure veteran moves up the ladder.

ForeScout Technologies has appointed Shawn Rodriguez as regional vice president for U.S. state, local and education (SLED). Rodriguez joined ForeScout after previously leading Splunk’s SLED business, and he had previously held top roles in this field with NetApp and Nortel. In addition to his new position with ForeScout, Rodriguez serves on the SLED Executive Council for CompTIA, a nonprofit trade organization for the tech industry.

In an interview Monday with Techwire, Rodriguez noted the growing importance that cybersecurity has taken in recent years.

"When we’re dealing with enterprisewide IT challenges, there are a lot of similiarities between government and campuses," he said. Rodriguez noted that ForeScout is focusing on IT as well as OT (operational technology).

CWDS Names Infrastructure Supervisor

In state government, Child Welfare Digital Services (CWDS) has named state IT veteran David Miller the new supervisor for the Infrastructure Team, responsible for developing, configuring, maintaining, supporting and optimizing all infrastructure components. Miller's new role includes maintaining the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System's (CWS/CMS) infrastructure, including a $30 million yearly budget, while CWDS works to develop CWS-CARES (California Automated Response and Engagement System).

Miller began his state career in 1999 with the Health and Human Services Data Center, Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System (ISAWS). He has spent the past 17 years with the CWS/CMS' Operations Division, providing technical expertise for many critical CWS/CMS projects. He is a California native and a graduate of California State University, Northridge, and served in the U.S. Air Force. 

CWDS is a project of California Health and Human Services Agency's Office of Systems Integration

Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.