Governor's operations director leaves to head up FI$Cal project

Sue Johnsrud, 55, who has served as Governor Brown’s director of operations since the beginning of his current term, is moving to a new position in charge of the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) project, gubernatorial spokesman Evan Westrup confirmed today.  Johnsrud officially started in her new position as Executive Partner yesterday.

The project leadership team for FI$Cal also includes Project Executive Barbara Taylor and Project Director Tamara Armstrong, who will both be working under Johnsrud.

Prior to serving in the governor’s office, Johnsrud worked in the Department of Justice since 2001, where she was originally appointed as the deputy director of the Division of Administrative Support and then as the chief administrative officer in 2003. From 1990 to 2001, Johnsrud served as the assistant budget officer for the Department of General Services.

The appointment comes one month after the first deployment of the FI$Cal project to automate workflow processes for the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Commission on Aging, California Department of Aging, State Summer School for the Arts, California Arts Council and the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. The project will have five deployments, to be fully completed by July 2016.