This article is adapted from a full-length version that appears on
This month marked the third iteration of the GovTech100 — a representative list of 100 technology companies whose solutions are aimed at state and local government, a market with estimated tech spending of more than $100 billion last year. There are clear signs the market is maturing.
A quick look through the names of the 31 California companies that are part of this year’s GovTech100 reveals a number of themes. Multiple companies have “gov” in their names, eliminating any ambiguity as to their target audience, and were formed in this decade, most in the latter half. While unscientific, it stands to reason that, before then, most companies wouldn’t brand themselves as government-only enterprises. The outlier, NEOGOV, was formed in 1999, and its HR software is used by more than 1,500 customers in state and local government and education.
The words “open” and “data” show up in a handful of company names on the list. The widespread use of both words, and so many related terms, in company monikers is reflective of where government priorities lie in 2018. Good government is guided by open, transparent operations. And the most effectively run public organizations are supported by usable, timely data that can be harnessed by those inside and outside of government for the most possible good.
Other words that show up prominently among the 31 California firms in GT100 company names are “city” and “civic.” This undeniable fact suggests that the civic tech movement we’ve been covering for several years has given rise to this new market category of gov tech.
Taken all together, the list offers a revealing look at what’s trending and what’s gaining ground in the emerging government-focused tech marketplace.
An interactive map including all 100 companies is here.
Noelle Knell is the Editor of Government Technology, a sister publication of Techwire.