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L.A. Superior Court Seeking Proposals for Privileged Access Management Services

“The court will require a total of 10,000 devices for EPM, 150 licenses for PAM and for VRSA each, and 500 licenses for WPM,” the RFP’s scope of work specifies.

A person working on a large screen with a digital lock on it.
The Los Angeles County Superior Court is seeking vendor proposals for privileged access management services.

In the request for proposals issued Wednesday, the court “is looking to enhance its privileged account management (internal admin accounts, services accounts and vendor access) and application protection processes and tools to ensure accounts are controlled and usage is audited, and that applications used by the court are restricted to elevation only when absolutely needed.”

The RFP specifics that the work will comprise “cloud computing, consulting and systems integration, database/data management, end-user (productivity)/creative software, identity and access management, operating systems (OS), portal/web development, portal/web services, security services/cyber security, software as a service (SaaS), training/professional development services, web/network security.”

The court is seeking a vendor for a three-year term, with two potential one-year renewals, that will include privileged access management (PAM), vendor secure remote access (VSRA), workforce password manager (WPM) and endpoint privilege management (EPM).

“The court will require a total of 10,000 devices for EPM, 150 licenses for PAM and for VRSA each, and 500 licenses for WPM,” the RFP’s scope of work specifies. “The WPM licenses model and pricing should include a mechanism to add licenses during the term of the contract as needed to a max of 2,500 by the end of Year 3 of the contract term.”

It also calls for training to be conducted no more than 14 days after implementation is completed. Implementation is to be completed within 45 days of license delivery. Support should commence with the start of implementation.

The response period closes at 10 a.m. Nov. 13. The contact person for this procurement is Rachel Cavazos. Proposals must be submitted online, and vendors are required to include a technical proposal, a cost proposal and a third-party security risk assessment questionnaire. The RFP includes a link to register and submit proposals.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.