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Networking Pathway Development Training Announced

Professional development will be offered this summer at two California community colleges to better prepare teachers who are interested in the networking pathway.

Schools that offer only basic digital literacy or word processing application courses should consider implementing a networking pathway program of study. While everyone needs to know how to use technology, those that have skills that enable others to use technology will have more opportunities for high-paying jobs. All information and data we rely on today move through networks.

Teachers have been collaborating statewide to develop excellent a-g approved networking courses, which is leading to dual enrollment opportunities with local community colleges where students can earn college credit that will transfer for a four-year degree in Information Technology. The networking pathway also embraces cybersecurity and student engagement in the Cyber-Patriots competition. Excellent professional development is now being offered to better prepare teachers who are interested in the networking pathway:

Southern California: June 20-24, 2016 at Coastline Community College
Northern California: June 27-July 1, 2016 at Sierra College

Plan ahead for this training. Registration will open early April and the final agenda and logistical information, when available, will be posted on If you have questions regarding this professional development contact Karen Stanton at:

This post appeared first on EdSynergy.

Gary Page is an Information Technology Consultant the with the California Department of Education. He is also the publisher of Ed Synergy, a blog that exists to provide information and support to classroom teachers and administrators in California who teach primarily in subjects related to information technology and computer science.