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State Tax Entity Names New Chief Information Officer

Nadean Shavor, who began her career with the state as a programmer in 1996 while in college, has been named CIO for the State Franchise Tax Board.

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The State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has a new chief information officer – a 25-year department veteran who began her career as an FTB software engineer while in college in 1996 and who’s been moving up through the ranks ever since.
Nadean Shavor, who has been the department’s chief security officer for the last five years, started in her new role as chief information officer (CIO) on Wednesday.
Nadean Shavor is the new CIO of the Franchise Tax Board.
“I am very excited to take on the role of CIO for FTB,” Shavor told Techwire in an email. “I look at our Technology Services Division (TSD) as a service organization. We are here to meet the needs of our business customers and constituents.”

As chief security officer, Shavor oversaw the physical security of FTB’s central office campus and 12 field offices, as well as cybersecurity and the Privacy and Disclosure Program.

Before taking the role of chief security officer, Shavor’s previous positions in FTB included software engineer, senior software engineering team lead, team supervisor, manager of FTB’s two data centers, and directorships of the Compliance Systems and Enterprise Services and Administrative Systems.

In 2014, Shavor established FTB’s Enterprise Services bureau as a retooled entity, which took ownership of vendor-developed technologies from FTB’s Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) project. That transition, according to her LinkedIn profile, included Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Services, Enterprise Testing and Enterprise Operational Data.

“These systems support the enterprise and integrate FTB’s legacy systems into a new enterprise platform,” she noted in her profile. “This project has increased FTB’s revenue by more than $1 billion.”

Shavor said one of her main priorities will be the completion and rollout of the EDR 2 project, an expansion of EDR 1, two of the most pivotal projects in the department’s IT portfolio in recent years. EDR 1 and 2, key components of FTB’s 30-year modernization plan, “are major IT projects that take a significant amount of enterprise commitment,” Shavor said in May in a Techwire One-on-One interview. “Due to the scope of work, we do not have any plans to pursue new technology outside the scope of EDR 2 within the next 12 months.”

In her comments Wednesday, Shavor underscored the ongoing importance of EDR.

“One of my main priorities will be the successful completion of the EDR 2 project,” she told Techwire. “The EDR 2 project will build on the success of our EDR 1 project and deliver enhanced functionality to our business areas and many new or enhanced self-service features for FTB’s website.”

The CIO role had been filled for the past year by FTB veteran John Sulenta, who was chief technology officer (CTO) over Application Development and Operations. Sulenta served as acting CIO and chief of the Technology Services Division since September, after Kem Musgrove retired as CIO. With the CIO role now filled, Sulenta, too, is retiring.

Shavor said the CTO position won’t be filled. Instead, she has seven bureau directors overseeing the IT organization and one EDR technical director.

FTB’s executive officer, Selvi Stanislaus, expressed her support for Shavor’s selection.

“I am thrilled to have Nadean as the chief information officer of the Franchise Tax Board,” Stanislaus told Techwire in an email. “She is a seasoned veteran of FTB with extensive departmental knowledge. The depth and breadth of her experience, combined with her understanding of FTB’s security program, makes her uniquely qualified for this position. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to lead our IT Division, especially as we embark onto EDR 2.”

Shavor is similarly enthusiastic.

“The technical team in our Technology Services Division is one of the best in the state,” she told Techwire, “and I think that is one of the main things that makes this transition easier … a great team.”

Shavor, a resident of the Sacramento area, has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from California State University, Sacramento, and is a graduate of the Information Technology Managers Academy XIV and Leadership for the Government Executive Program.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.