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Tech Moves: State CIO Openings, CGI Positions in Sac, New CGIA Chair, Vice Chair and more

Tech Moves is a new feature to keep up with the various open positions and new assignments of state and private-sector technology professionals around Sacramento and California.

Agency CIO Andrew Armani says the State and Consumer Services Agency is searching to fill three vacant chief information officer positions: Department of General Services, where Andrew is currently acting CIO, Department of Consumer Affairs and the Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board. Kathy Cruz has served in the later position but was recently promoted to chief deputy executive officer for the board. She will continue to serve in an acting capacity until the position is permanently filled.

According to an email from RuthAnn Harbison, chair of the California Geographic Information Association (CGIA), the California GIS Council has new leadership. Scott Gregory,state geographic information officer in the California Technology Agency is the chair and Harold Feinberg from Caltrans is the vice chair.

CGI is looking for Analysts to fill open positions in Sacramento, says Josh Nisbet, vice president, CGI US Enterprise Markets. The positions, SharePoint/Project Server Administrator, Websphere System Administrator and Sr. Database Administrator, will be dedicated to the EDR project at the Franchise Tax Board.

Last month Governor Brown appointed Mary Winkley as assistant secretary of program and portfolio management at the California Technology Agency. She previously served as deputy secretary of state for information technology and policy at the Secretary of State’s Office. According to the Governor’s announcement, she was also chief deputy director of operations at the California Department of Health and partner at MGT of America from 1999 to 2007. Prior to that she served in various legislative positions for Assemblymembers Bonnies Lowenthal and Debra Bowen.

Please feel free to send your tips and suggestions to Elise Armitage at