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Tech Staff Shift at Fi$Cal

Fi$Cal Technology Team Deputy Director David Duarte, on loan from CalPERS, has returned to his previous position for personal reasons, according to a Fi$Cal spokesperson.

Chi Emodi – (pictured) who was project management office deputy director — is now interim CIO and deputy director of the Technology Team. Acting Project Management Office Deputy Director is now Lisa Dezzani.

Fi$Cal is a multi-year project to combine 2,500 state legacy accounting, budgeting, cash management, and procurement operations into a single financial management system. In July 2013, Gov. Brown asked Sue Johnsrud, one of his top advisors, to head Fi$Cal.

Ref: Fi$Cal Organization Chart.

Wayne E. Hanson has been a writer and editor with e.Republic since 1989, and has worked for several business units including Government Technology magazine, the Center for Digital Government, Governing, and is currently editor and writer for Digital Communities specializing in local government.