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Technology key to success for San Francisco nonprofit

The San Francisco nonprofit organization Out & Equal Workplace Advocates recently completed a three-year strategic plan that establishes IT as a key factor of the organization’s success, according an announcement by Accenture, the firm hired to develop the plan. The nonprofit, which worked with Accenture over a three month period, strives to end employment discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.

Accenture provided Out & Equal with an assessment of its current technology capabilities, a model for new digital platform applications, technologies and sourcing options, as well as a plan to identify and prioritize new technology initiatives, according to the announcement.

Out & Equal Workplace Advocate’s Founding Executive Director, Selisse Berry, said that the new digital platform has huge potential for impact and will be a key factor in helping the nonprofit reach its vision of workplace equality for LGBT employees. The new technology prioritization will be used to expand the organization’s reach to new audiences, better serve constituents and minimize costs.