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Techwire Launches State Spending Dashboard

The webpage summarizes major IT spending by California agencies during the past 30 days – within four easy-to-read charts.

California government spends billions of dollars on information technology goods and services. It’s no surprise that tracking the ebb and flow of that amount of money can be difficult.

As part of its premium news service, Techwire recently launched its State Spending Dashboard to make the process a bit easier. The webpage coalesces major IT spending by most California agencies during the past 30 days – within four easy-to-read charts.  The database is also searchable.

There’s a bar graph of the top spending departments, a pie chart of how much the state is using different procurement vehicles, and a graph of the top contract winners by dollar amount. There’s also a running list of the top 10 highest contract awards in the past 30 days.

Curated from official state sources, the data is updated weekly.

The dashboard — along with the newest bid opportunities, contract awards and more — is accessible through the Members tab at the top of the Techwire website. You can also access the dashboard directly here (login-in required).