Techwire to Publish Earlier to Give You a Bigger Edge

Starting Monday, your newsletter will arrive earlier.

Beginning Monday, you'll be receiving your Techwire newsletter in your inbox at 7 a.m. 

We're publishing Techwire a few hours earlier so our readers will have more time to digest the daily California gov tech report before their workday begins. 

Techwire, a publication of e.Republic, covers news about technology in California state and local government. We also offer business intelligence, members-only industry briefings, a massive database of vendor opportunities, a powerful suite of data tools and contact information, a forum for members' sponsored content, and exclusive analysis and commentary. Techwire is read by industry insiders and influencers as well as a large share of the state's public-sector employees. 

As always, we welcome your news tips, inquiries and suggestions. Have you started a new job? Been promoted? Finished a successful government contract and want to tell the community about it? Drop us an email — help us get the word out about your accomplishments.

We’ll see you bright and early Monday.

Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.