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Tracking the Spend: $6.2M for Largest IT Buys in 2024 by Department of Toxic Substances Control

The largest purchase was for data center services through the California Department of Technology; other buys included consulting services, notebook computers and maintenance and operations.

A person working in full HAZMAT gear inside partially constructed building.
The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) spent $6.2 million on its largest purchases of IT last year — roughly half on IT goods and half on IT services.

DTSC’s mission is “to protect California’s people, communities and environment from toxic substances, to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products.” The department is part of the California Environmental Protection Agency.

According to the State Contract and Procurement Registration System, DTSC spent $3,257,031 on its five largest purchases of IT services in 2024. They were:
  • $1.7 million for data center services (data storage and communication lines) in an Oct. 8 contract with the California Department of Technology. This was an interagency agreement and was not competitively bid.
  • $747,180 for consulting in a June 28 contract with Analytica Consulting LLC in an IT Master Service Agreement (IT MSA).
  • $475,218 for Microsoft Cloud Services in a June 27 contract with Prodigy Consulting LLC awarded under California Multiple Award Schedules.
  • $176,256 for publishing with West Publishing Corp. (DBA West, a Thomson Reuters Business) in a July 1 Master Agreement contract.
  • $158,377 for copier maintenance in an Oct. 8 contract with Alliant Insurance Services Inc.
In the area of IT goods, DTSC spent $2,988,735 last year on its five largest contracts. They were:
  • $886,518 for maintenance and operations for EnviroStor, DTSC’s data management system. The Oct. 8 contract was with Kambrian Corp., awarded under the Software Licensing Program (SLP).
  • $883,200 for an extension of term and an addition of funds for a contract with Kovarus Inc., awarded April 9 under the SLP.
  • $562,012 for IT services in an Oct. 29 SLP contract with StackNexus Inc., also awarded under the SLP.
  • $397,780 for HP Ultrabook computers in a June 21 statewide contract with NWN Corp.
  • $259,225 for improvements to EnviroStor in a June 24 SLP contract with Kambrian Corp.
Don Foley is DTSC’s chief information officer, and the department’s most recent strategic plan can be found here.

The periodic reports of spending on IT goods and services by agencies and departments in state government are compiled by Industry Insider — California as a way of highlighting procurements and trends.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.