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Tracking the Spend: Corrections Department Bought $11.5M in IT Goods in Q1

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s five largest purchases of IT goods in the first quarter of this year totaled about $11,596,726 — a slight increase over the corresponding period in 2022.

Closeup of a patch with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation logo on the sleeve of a gray shirt.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) spent just over $11.5 million on its five largest purchases of IT goods in the first quarter of the year.

According to the State Contracting and Procurement Registration System, CDCR spent $11,596,726, with rounding, on the five following procurements:
  • $4,765,710 for SmartNet Network support upgrade in a statewide contract that runs from April 1 through March 31, 2024. The Jan. 19 award went to Presidio Networked Solutions LLC.
  • $2,323,616 for Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot C9410R, a switch platform purchased Jan. 19, also from Presidio, on a statewide contract.
  • $2,323,250 for SAP Kronis Telestaff subscription software service, purchased March 15 under the Software Licensing Program (SLP) from BM Associates.
  • $1,420,750 for Netskope’s Security Service Edge professional package for risk management and data protection, in a Feb. 27 SLP award to Dhenali Inc.
  • $862,400 for Motorola radio and base station equipment and associated services and Wi-Fi provisioning, in a Feb. 10 statewide contract award to Motorola Solutions Inc.

CDCR’s spend for its five largest IT goods contracts in the corresponding period of 2022 was $11,171,710.

The periodic reports of spending on IT goods and services by agencies and departments in state government are compiled by Industry Insider — California as a way of highlighting procurements and trends.
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.