University System Seeks Assistance With Virtual Coursework

In a request for proposal, the California State University Office of the Chancellor is looking for companies that can deliver an online platform capable of assisting in areas including online coursework and digital textbooks.

With lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic still fresh for technology leaders, the nation’s largest four-year higher education system is seeking assistance from IT vendors to do more in the area of virtual coursework.

In a request for proposal (RFP) released Tuesday, the California State University Office of the Chancellor calls for responses from “qualified firms interested in providing (an) online platform with (an) end-to-end distribution delivery system of e-textbooks, courseware and training materials.” In recent weeks, the office has also sought assistance with tax reporting software and risk assessments. Among the takeaways:

  • The university needs the platform to interface with CalState’s “TEACH department faculty, students and staff,” according to the RFP, which emphasizes that “data storage and retention shall remain within the continental United States at all times.” More specific needs include bundles of digital textbooks from Pearson and five-year system access for TEACH candidates who are working to clear preliminary teaching credentials. The RFP also calls for a “single authentication point” for candidates to access digital textbooks from multiple publishers; a browser-based format that will enable 24-7 access; and access to other texts including preparation for the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment and reading case studies.
  • Responses must describe the “auditing system for protecting private information” and how the respondent will securitize against malware, including viruses and worms; reveal what standards of compliance are used; and offer proof that the application used will comply with payment card industry (PCI) data security standard (DSS) requirements. If “current applicable PCI DSS attestations” aren’t available, respondents must offer “comparable attestations” about the “environment” where CSU data will live. Respondents must indicate what third-party processor servicers, if any, will be used for transaction or information processing; and offer evidence those third parties are PCI-DSS compliant. Companies responding must also provide a finished “Full Higher Ed Cloud Vendor Assessment Tool,” to enable a fuller understanding of their security compliance.
  • Requirements include an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) completed with the the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, accessible via the RFP. The ACR must “correspond” with the current version of the IT product/service the vendor is offering. Separate ACRs will be needed for each unique product or service (such as desktop, web portal or video player); and for each user interface, i.e., for students, faculty, administration and the public.
  • The contract’s precise value is not stated. Its initial term will be three years, with two optional renewals of one year each. Questions are due by 12 p.m. April 22. Proposals are due by 12 p.m. April 29. A notice of intent to award is expected May 10 and a contract is anticipated to be awarded in June.
Theo Douglas is Assistant Managing Editor of Industry Insider — California.