What’s Slowing Adoption of Cloud? And What Buzzwords Are Most Annoying?

An unscientific survey at last week’s California Public Sector CIO Academy reveals industry insiders’ views on technology and the language we use when talking about it.

Those who attended last week’s California Public Sector CIO Academy in Sacramento had an opportunity to weigh in with opinions on two questions — one serious, the other not so much.

This was an unscientific survey, as the respondents self-selected. It was conducted by the team from Industry Insider — California for those in attendance from the public and private sectors.

First, the serious survey: “What is your biggest impediment to the adoption of cloud services?” The responses, in descending order, were:
  1. System interdependencies make migration difficult
  2. Concerns about security
  3. Existing contracts are not easy to work with
  4. We have to modernize before we migrate
  5. Lack of budget
  6. Cost of migration and hosting
  7. Time

The less-serious question asked of attendees: “Which tech buzzword could you live without?” Ranked in descending order, from least popular to least unpopular, the buzzwords were:
  1. Metaverse
  2. NFTs (non-fungible tokens)
  3. ROI (return on investment)
  4. Blockchain
  5. Hyper-XXX (insert word of choice)
  6. RPA (robotic process automation)
  7. AI (artificial intelligence)
Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies including USA Today in Washington, D.C.