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What to Watch for in California’s Gov Tech Market in 2024

We’ve collected highlights from the 2024 outlook interview with Dennis Noone, Executive Editor for Industry Insider.

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California’s gov tech market is constantly evolving – and the Insider team is at the forefront of these changes.

In early 2024, Dennis Noone, Executive Editor for Industry Insider, shared his perspective on what trends, priorities and initiatives would be driving California’s gov tech market. We’ve boiled down his top highlights in our content piece, “Insider Perspective: What to Watch for in California’s Gov Tech Market in 2024.”

In it, we cover Dennis’ thoughts on:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI), and how it will impact the state and local government workforce
  • Personnel movement within the private-sector and the effect it’s having within said sector
Our team tracks developments, trends, initiatives and priorities within California’s gov tech market, so you never miss a beat. Read into more of Dennis’ predictions here.