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What’s an Industry Insider – California briefing?

Learn what an Industry Insider – California briefing is and how it can connect you with key decision-makers in California government agencies.

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If you’d like to build relationships with IT leaders in California’s public sector, our Industry Insider – California member briefings are the perfect opportunity to do so.

These in-person briefings provide firsthand insights from state and local IT leaders about what’s top of mind in their departments, enabling you to build relationships and partnerships on a deeper level.

How can briefings benefit you? Briefings allow you to:

  • Connect and build relationships with IT leaders in person
  • Understand the priorities and current projects in various California state agencies – straight from those in the trenches

After each briefing, we host a member mixer where these leaders can stay and continue the conversation.

These briefings are only for Industry Insider – California members. To learn more about membership and how you can secure a spot at our next briefing, fill out this form and we’ll reach out to you with additional details.