2021 Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Study

Thomson Reuters surveyed state and local agency officials to find out if they have the resources needed to combat fraudsters.

At the level of state and local government, a staff’s ability to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse is largely dependent upon the resources available to them. In the year 2020, those resources were stretched to the limit when more than $4 trillion in federal and state COVID-19 relief funds had to be distributed in record time — an effort that may continue well into 2021.

Do government officials have the resources they need to combat fraudsters intent on exploiting COVID-19 relief programs? And are they able to stay on top of their other responsibilities as well?

In Thomson Reuters’ second annual Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Survey, we surveyed more than 100 state and local agency officials to find out if they have the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. Survey respondents included appraisers, attorneys, investigators, and administrators working in a variety of departments, including tax and revenue, health/human services, labor/employment, and child support.

The new survey specifically covers the challenges presented by COVID-19 relief efforts, as well as the difficulties of maintaining regular services during the pandemic. The report also discusses measures that could be taken to improve fraud-prevention efforts in agencies and departments where resources are perceived as limited or insufficient.

To download a copy of the report, click here and fill out the form.