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Achieving Agreement Oversight and Visibility for Public Sector Agencies

For any government agency, digital transformation efforts can be daunting. Government leaders often kick off their modernization journey by implementing electronic signatures to streamline their agreement processes.

While e-signature is an ideal first step toward digital transformation, many agencies still contend with manual processes before and after signing, such as version control and how and where the agreement will be stored.

Securely storing agreements is the natural next step in transforming agreement management, as it opens the door to powerful new capabilities like data analysis and insights that pave the way to true digital transformation.

From signing to storage, it’s possible to increase agreement oversight and visibility while also reducing the time it takes to find the right contract and search it for critical information, obligations or relationships that require urgent action.

What to do post-signature

Of course, the lifecycle of an agreement isn’t over once it’s signed. If agreements aren’t organized and stored properly, it can result in lost information and broken contract terms. However, without automation, it’s a time-consuming and error-prone process where every agreement must be archived individually and its information exported manually to a spreadsheet, which can create data sprawl.

Thankfully, the DocuSign platform allows public sector agencies to extend their digital capabilities from electronically signing documents to storing and managing them in a FedRAMP-authorized repository.

DocuSign offers a purpose-built, central, intelligent repository where documents can be archived automatically or exported into different formats without requiring constant human input.

This makes it much easier for public sector procurement, human resources, IT departments and case managers to access and view all existing agreements.

Improved agreement visibility and control

Simply storing contracts in filing cabinets or digital drives is no longer sufficient. While knowing their location is essential, the real importance lies in organizing and comprehending the contents of these agreements.

The DocuSign platform allows agencies to unlock the data that lives in their agreements. This includes pulling reports and creating dashboards to understand specific trends within your data fields or agreement obligations, improving visibility and enabling transparency across the data sets. Agencies can now enhance agreement oversight, tracking important terms and due dates while ensuring the timely fulfillment of contract obligations.

Since current agreement processes extend across multiple disparate systems and departments, controlling the document and information in it can be hard to manage.

Gone are the days of swivel chair integrations, retyping, duplicate efforts and manual errors. Now, there’s a trusted, secure and automated process that provides our customers with the complete control and visibility they need for safe storage, searching and reporting.

Support compliance

Compliance is incredibly important for any federal, state, or local government agency. A central repository helps departments manage agreements across the entire workflow, which improves adherence to internal standards and ensures both parties continue to deliver on agreement terms while meeting regulatory compliance authorizations and certifications.

Both DocuSign eSignature and DocuSign CLM have achieved FedRAMP Moderate Authorization and IL4 provisional authorization, allowing agencies to deploy a secure platform for managing all their agreement processes, whether for delivering grants or increasing efficiencies around the cycle times for behavioral health contracts.

Key takeaways

By introducing a central repository into your agreement lifecycle, agencies can now offer a single location with granular security controls and built-in oversight. Public sector organizations can see immediate value and results by focusing on the post-execution part of the agreement process.

Agreements are now discoverable, actionable and secure, which reduces the time spent searching for individual agreements and helps teams quickly identify items that need immediate action.

Increased visibility and better efficiencies at the back end not only inform the front-end transformation but also help public sector agencies take that crucial next step toward end-to-end digital modernization—and quickly see positive impacts.

Learn more about DocuSign CLM here. Or, if you’re ready to create a central, intelligent repository for all of your agreements post-signature, contact sales.

Over 4,500 local, state, and federal customers use Docusign solutions to bring agreements to life. With its Docusign IAM platform, Docusign unleashes mission-critical data that is trapped inside of documents. Until now, these were disconnected from systems of record, leading to delayed service delivery, employee frustration, and increased compliance risk. Using Docusign IAM, organizations can create, commit, and manage agreements with FedRAMP, StateRAMP, and IL4-authorized solutions.